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Map tracing Magellans world voyage, once owned by Charles V, 1545 (see also 63417)

Map tracing Magellans world voyage, once owned by Charles V, 1545 (see also  63417)

Charles V Atlas & Magellan Atlas - Ziereis Facsimiles

Ethiopia, the Red Sea and Saudi Arabia, from an Atlas of the World in 33 Maps, Venice, 1st September 1553 (ink on vellum) (detail from 330946)

by Battista Agnese

The Indian Ocean and part of Asia and Africa: the Indian Peninsula, from Atlas of the World in thirty-three Maps, by Battista Agnese

by Battista Agnese

The Indian Ocean and part of Asia and Africa: the course of the Nile river, from Atlas of the World in thirty-three Maps, by Battista Agnese

Navigation chart showing China, Ceylon and the Philippines and the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, c.1540

Magellan Collection of Photo Prints and Gifts #5

Magellan Map - Explore Ferdinand Magellan's Expedition

Eastern Mediterranean and Aegean Sea. Battista Agnese, PORTOLAN ATLAS (Italy ca. 1550)

Bridgeman Education